Back to the reason I haven't posted. This baby girl made me very sick. Late October I was in the hospital for about 4 days because I couldn't keep anything down, liquid or food (and hadn't for a couple of days). Finally after IVs for a couple of days I kept down some ice cream and they sent me home with an order for 2L of IV fluid 3 times a week until Christmas. Many people have said "how horrible, having to get an IV 3 times a week" to which I say "it was my life-line, I loved going." Needless to say I was worthless at home. I couldn't take care of Cecilia, or the house. We had so much help during that time, neighbors, friends, and mostly my mom who came and stayed with us for days at a time weeks on end. Thank heavens she and Cecilia get along so well together, it eased the fact that I dropped off the face of the earth. Shaun had to pick up extra duty too and we hunkered down for 10 weeks on survival mode. Hence no postings. We didn't go anywhere, we didn't entertain, I hardly saw anyone that whole time. People at church thought Shaun was a single dad. It was rough. But the silver lining was I knew it would end and knew about when that would be from my pregnancy with Cecilia. It was what we all clung to during that time get to Christmas/New Years. My trips to the IV clinic made me grateful my illness was temporary and not chronic like so many others there. And gratefully it did, around Christmas I stopped throwing up and started the slow recovery to life. Not full life, that doesn't come to until after the baby, but manageable life.
It came at a good time too, right before Christmas Shaun's grandfather passed away and we had family come and a funeral. What a blessing we had already planned on having Christmas here with his family anyway. It was an enjoyable holiday, way too many presents though. Took us all day to open them and Cecilia is a true Ritchie and wants to play with each present she opens rather than open another present.
I was excited for New Years, a new year with a new baby and put all of the illness I had last year behind us. A fresh start. Well we had a big surprise waiting for us New Years day when we got home from church. A pipe broke in our attic, soaked the insulation and dry wall which fell in our entryway, spraying insulation all over the entryway, front stairs, front room, half bath and down the hall to the family room. Plus water was pouring down the wall and dripping from the hole soaking the hardwood, carpet and stairs. It found a way down into the basement behind walls and reached the carpet in the basement. I was the first to get home while Shaun walked home with Cecilia. I stared shocked for probably a full minute before I came to my senses and ran for the phone to call Shaun and run downstairs to turn off the main water valve (which gratefully I knew where it was and you should too). Happy New Year to us. When Shaun and Cecilia came running in the door they also stared in unbelief and then Cecilia said "why is there dirt all over our house?" referring to the insulation splattered everywhere. It struck me really funny and helped me relax and get to work. We had some great neighbors come help us sop up the water and get things drying. But soon realized this was pretty extensive damage and decided to call our insurance. Here we are, almost 2 months later and still tying up loose ends in the repair. But it could have been worse so we count ourselves lucky (we didn't have to refinish all of the hardwood floor throughout the whole main level). Well that is about it for the general update. We are still happy to be in a New Year and wish you all one as well.