Wednesday, August 22, 2012

You'll never guess where Cecilia fell asleep today

Halfway in her bedroom surrounded by the things she was playing with
for quiet time.

Thursday, August 16, 2012


The other weekend we went up to Mirror Lake to go mushroom hunting.  An old coworker of Katie's has found porchini mushrooms growing wild up there in years past.  Unfortunately when I went up with him last year there was still snow on the ground.  Hence no mushrooms.  This year we thought the conditions were right and had a free Saturday afternoon.  Fortunately both girls fell asleep in the car on the way up.  Doesn't Cecilia look like she is 13 in this picture?  

It was colder than we expected so it was a short hike. We found a few mushrooms, about 4 different kinds. But none that we knew what they were and no porcini. It was still a beautiful drive and hike up to a mountain lake Then we ate back what calories we burned and more with Grannies burger, fries, and a shake on the way home.