Sunday, July 26, 2009

Washington D.C.

Shaun and I had the opportunity to go to Washington DC last weekend. It was our first major trip with the baby. She did pretty well for missing so many naps, only cried a few times. Shaun's brother, Mike recently got a job as a foreign service agent. It was quite a process to get in and tons are turned down. We've loved to hear all about the process. He went to DC in June to begin his training. He was in a class of 98 people and there were 100 places hiring. They had the opportunity to rank each of the positions high, medium or low. On Monday he found out where he was going to be spending his first post, which will be two years. They have a ceremony where they hand you the flag for the country of where you are going. Family is invited and this is how you find out your first post. Very adventurous. So Shaun and I went to DC for flag day. Here is Mike getting his flag.

This flag represents... Drum roll...
Caracas, Venezuela!
He was really excited about the position. It will be a great way for him to learn Spanish and the position is an excellent one. Yeah for Mike!
Here he is with Shaun and Cecilia.

While we were in DC we were also able to tour the Capital.

And go to the temple of which Shaun's grandpa was one of the architects.

We had a great time in DC. Next trip Oregon.

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