Friday, September 11, 2009

Stolen Peaches Continued...

I know you have all been waiting, dying to find out what happened with the peaches in our neighbors yard. But if for some reason you have amnesia refresh your memory here, and then come back to find out the rest of the story.
A few days after my last post we saw the owner in his yard again. Shaun drove by and noticed all the peaches were gone. I ran over to be neighborly and say Hi. Ok really I went to check out the trees. They were stripped. I was so sad, but talked to him anyway. He said his friends had come and taken most of them and he had a bucket with the rest. There really weren't that many in the bucket so I told myself the trees were deceiving and didn't have as many as we thought. He said I could have the nectarines and the peaches hanging over from his neighbors yard. They weren't ripe yet (which is why they hadn't take them). I was so depressed. We waited too long. Why didn't we go over the night before after the baby went to bed. So what if we had company over. We still should have gone at 10 o'clock and picked in the dark! Shaun said at least we were beaten out this year by the owner. But it doesn't console me much.
We went over and got a bunch of nectarines later. Honestly they were really good. I'm not just saying that to sooth my soul. I made jam (turned out to be syrup even though I followed the directions). And we ate a bunch. They tasted a lot like peaches. Just as good in cereal. Once those were about done we started checking the peach tree again. The last tree, our only hope. The peaches on the top were ripe, and they were really big. But you need a ladder to get to them and we kinda had to reach over the fence. We hadn't really looked at this tree very closely before because we had our sights on the vacent lots trees. But there were a ton of peaches on it, which is why it took longer to ripen. So every few days we would go over and get a few that were ripe and wait for the rest. It was taller so we had to be more sneaky with the ladder and all. No one is out at 7 am or right at dusk. We found ways to go at those times.
Then one day after we had taken most off of the few branches that were hanging into the vacent yard, and we noticed a lot had fallen on the ground in the yard that owned the tree. It occured to us she wasn't using them and probably didn't want them. Novel idea to us which is why it took so long to come to the conclusion. We wanted the peaches in her yard. But we couldn't sneak in and get them. It is one thing to do it where nobody lives, it is another to do it where people do. We aren't that bad! So we devised a plan... bribery. We picked a bunch of things from our garden, put them in a cute box and took them over to ask her if we could have some of her peaches.

She said yes we could have all we wanted! Next day, bright and early with our ladder in our hands, empty grocery bags, and heads held high we went over and picked them all. Based on the amount on the ground we figured she had taken what she wanted. Dogs barked, we don't care. Neighbors saw, we don't care. This time we have permission! We were daring anybody to come up to us and ask what we were doing. lessons learned: always trust your instincts, and it is always better to ask, who knows what will happen.


  1. Yay! I'm glad you won the peach battle in the end. That's a LOT of peaches. Way to go Ritchies!

  2. Oh Katie, You are so funny. Be brave, ask. Or find a good farmers market. I did and loved nectarines even more than peaches. How could you dis the nectarines? (you can bottle them too and I got a great cobbler recipe from the farmer)
    I am so happy you got so many peaches!
