Sunday, May 16, 2010


Sometimes you just need to get away. Now that we have a baby with her own schedule, which seems to be messed up if I breathe wrong, getting away seems to be more work than relaxing. So my new favorite thing is a staycation. You've heard of them, they got really popular when the economy crapped out. You vacation in your own town and do something you wouldn't normally do that is enjoyable for everyone.

Park City here we come. It is perfect, half an hour and you are there. No missed naps or late bedtime. This time of year they have some great deals. Last November (also in the off season for PC) We went to Stein Eriksen lodge with Shaun's parents. I felt more relaxed by the end of the weekend than I ever have after entertaining, or any vacation for that matter. Stein has everything that makes for a perfect vacation, a fully stocked kitchen where we can make some amazing meals (and if you know Shaun and I, cooking is very relaxing and enjoyable). It also has a large, dark, quiet bathroom that we can put Cecilia to sleep in and not worry about making too much noise. And it has another full bathroom off the main room so it isn't missed. The place has several fireplaces that they will come light a real wood burning fire in. Who doesn't relax watching fire? There is just something about it. The setting couldn't be prettier, up in the mountains with the yummy smelling Spruce Pine tree and daffodils that are just blooming. Of course the people are nice, this time when we stayed they brought over some yummy scones and jam just to say thanks for staying with us again.

So when I needed a vacation this weekend Stein Eriksen was the first place I thought of. They even had the same deal as last time, free dinner or Sunday brunch. This Sunday brunch is amazing so I couldn't wait to book it. Yesterday we drove up in time to go swimming before Cecilia went to bed. Which she loves to do and generally makes her sleep better. Then Shaun made this amazing chicken dinner. We tried to invite some friends to enjoy it, but that didn't work out so we selfishly scarfed it down.

Today we stuffed ourselves at the brunch and ran home for church fully rested and ready for the week. Well almost fully rested, Cecilia woke up twice last night crying. We are working on breaking her from the brace that she is growing out of and doesn't need anymore. Surprisingly she has a hard time sleeping without it. It is all the freedom, just moves all over the crib and can't just settle down. Hopefully tonight will be better... If not I may need to go on another staycation :)

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