Friday, July 9, 2010

catch up

I know it has been a long time since I've posted. I have two excuses. The first is our internet has had some real problems lately and it drives me crazy when I'm in the middle of something and it crashes. So I would rather not get on at all. Work has suffered too :) The other reason is audio books. A few weeks ago I was at the library and found the audio books for a trilogy called His Dark Materials. I saw the film for the first book a few years ago and was excited to finish the series with audio books. So I ran home and put them on my ipod. They were really fun to listen to and each day I found myself looking for things to do that didn't require brain power so I could listen to them while Cecilia slept. Let's just say my house and yard benefited from my addiction as cleaning is a good thing to do with your hands while your mind is elsewhere. But as I said work and blogging suffered. Well they are finished now.

So what have we been up to lately? Well Shaun mentioned the park where he and Cecilia had so much fun kicking a ball. We also were able to see family from out of town of the holiday weekend. My brother and his family came for a visit and we were able to see them for a bit. Cecilia had so much fun playing with her cousins and their dog. She quickly learned the sign for dog and does it every time I say the word. She is learning so quickly right now! She knows the sign for baby too. It is in the signing video we have and I didn't even know she knew it until I was pointing out things to her in a book and pointed to a baby and she stops and does the sign. I was shocked and amazed. She is so smart! We also caught this video yesterday and were so proud of her. It came about because we left her standing up holding on to the gate above our stairs and walked into the front room. A few minutes later she came walking into the room. We were so surprised that she just decided to let go and walk to us without any prompt. So we decided to get out the camera and caught this. I think we can officially say she can walk because she will actually let go of things on her own. She still can't stand up without props, but will figure it out soon enough.

My mom said "it is amazing that she picked up the sippy cup and kept walking, but it was really amazing she picked up a sippy cup!" knowing how difficult it can sometimes be to get her to take a drink. Maybe that will change?

Upcoming trips include a boating trip with my family next week, Great-grandparent wedding anniversary next weekend, and then a trip to Oregon. We are really excited about this trip. We will get to visit more family which we don't see often and we will be able to go pick blueberries. I think Cecilia will have so much fun doing this!!! I can't wait to see what she does. My little blueberry fiend! Today we are going to go see grandparents Hadley and extended family who are camping. No camping for us as we have a wedding reception tonight, but it will be fun to visit anyway. So nice they are camping close. Better go...

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