Monday, September 20, 2010


Life goes fast in the summer! We have been enjoying the weather and fresh produce. These are the times I look back on in December with longing. We had the opportunity to see both sets of grandparents last week. Cecilia says "papa" and signs grandpa really well but I think she was a little confused when we said grandpa for my dad in the morning and then saw Shaun's dad in the afternoon and said grandpa again. It is a difficult concept for a 1.5 year old to understand that two people can have the same name. But so fun to see so much family.

Shaun and I went to a fundraiser for the Living Planet Aquarium on Saturday. It was a lot of fun. I recently bought a dress for the formal banquet in DC for the Inc 500 conference and was able to do a trial run with my ensemble at this fundraiser. I learned I need more than 10 minutes to do my hair, makeup, and get dressed. But a few extra minutes in the car and I looked presentable. Next time I'll have to take a picture and show you the new hair style I learned. It is fun to get dressed up sometimes. The event was a La Caille, probably the most expensive restaurant in SLC. It is really gorgeous though. We were able to "gamble" for a while and then our winnings translated into raffle tickets for 4 prizes. Shaun and I did well with some major help from a friend of Shaun's but we didn't win any prizes. That is ok we were able to bid on some silent auction items and came home with some great Christmas presents and help a good cause at the same time. Win win. Plus we had fun and I learned I don't understand the first thing about gambling :)

Cecilia is adorable as always. She is really into the spices lately. She loves to take every spice off the shelf and put it on the ground somewhere in a pile. The really good thing is that if you tell her to put them away at the end she will! It gets lots of energy out running back and forth and she is really good about putting them right side up and fitting them all back on the shelf. It is so fun to watch her. Here is a short clip of it.

That is about all from our neck of the woods. Hope you all are doing well!!

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