Saturday, July 25, 2009

I caved

Many people have told me I should start a blog. Everybody is doing it. I've always said I would never update it because I don't have anything to write about. Well that thing to write about has come, almost four months ago. Baby C discovers something new every time we turn around and I want to share with the world, or maybe just my close friends and family. So here I am, starting a family blog. Shaun will post too, but the starting message is all mine :)

1 comment:

  1. Way to go Katie... Kids grow too fast and you will feel that anything is a good option to save the memories. Take lots of pictures, short videoclip, save everything precious in a memory box (except dirty diapers!), keep a journal by your bed where you write little letters to Cecilia (Dear Cecilia, today for the first time you did...). You are great!
