Sunday, March 6, 2011

1 year mark

One year ago this week Cecilia got her cast off. There have been three days in my life that I will never forget, our wedding day, the day Cecilia was born, and the day she got her cast off. I joke that I looked forward to it more than Cecilia's birth. Her cast was more difficult than being 9 months pregnant. Because it was so monumental I think we will celebrate it every year. This week we went swimming (her favorite activity) and played and ran lots. We went to grandma and grandpa Hadley's and played with cousins who kept her running and giggling the whole time. Cecilia had so much fun with them it was worth the rearranging I had to do to get up there and a great way to celebrate being able to move.

She has come so far in the last year! I am so grateful I noticed the problem when I did and we got the cast on then. I can't imagine how challenging it would be if we were going through that right now. I'm so grateful I've had a year to forget :)

I caught this video on the year mark and wanted to share with you what a happy toddler she is. Yeah for a healthy kid!

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