Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Baby Birds

Shaun noticed a nest above the front door of our new house right before we left for France. It had one beautiful blue robin egg. The nest is in a awkward place, but it had to stay. When we got back, there was a broken egg on the ground and two pink, brand new baby birds in the nest. Not sure what happened, but we had two brand new babies. That has to be some good omen for our new house. They were ugly, but cute. Shaun set up a ladder inside the door so we could peak at the birds through the window. It has been so fun for me to watch these babies grow up. Here is a collage of the pictures we have taken. Sorry they are not the best quality, but this is the best we could do given where they were. They were all taken within about 2 weeks, they grew up fast! The babies have already flown the coup!

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