Monday, February 27, 2012

Cecilia update

Now that I've done a general update it is time for one specific to Cecilia. A few weeks ago we put the toddler conversion piece on her crib so she can get in and out of it by herself. I was a little worried about her staying in bed during nap time (quiet time most days) but over all thought she would do well. And she has. She stays in her bed for nap time until I come get her and no problems at night. The only problem has been in the morning. She really needs to fully wake up before she gets out of bed or she is really grouchy, and sometimes she doesn't stay in there long enough. But I think that is getting a lot better now too.

The second way Cecilia is becoming a big girl is potty training. We started the day after we converted her crib. I was thinking about potty training her right before I got sick and obviously decided to put it off. So I think she has been ready for awhile. Right before we started Shaun and I were talking and he mentioned how we had to get our carpets cleaned after the water pipe incident anyway and how I wasn't going to feel any better than I do now so it really is the best time to potty train her. He was right of course, I just needed the push to make me take the leap. Monday morning we put her in panties, talked about them, and said no looking back. It was so much easier than I thought and probably should have done it long ago. But a month or two really doesn't make that much of a difference in the long run. She had two accidents the first day, one the second, and none for the rest of the week. She has only had a few accidents here and there since then. We have been so amazed and proud of her. We've even taken a vacation with plane rides and busy days and she had two small accidents the whole week. I can only hope all of our children will be this easy to potty train, hope is the operative word.

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