Sunday, May 20, 2012

Cecilia's 3rd Birthday

Cecilia turned 3 on April 8th. We celebrated her birthday for almost a whole week. We had her birthday party on Thursday, Easter egg hunt on Saturday, Grandparents over for dinner and presents on Sunday, and birthday treat at preschool on the following Tuesday. I like to spread out the celebrations for my birthday too. I think she had a fun week. Her birthday party was low key.  I am after all pregnant and she is only 3.  We had 5 friends and their moms over for a playdate in the yard.  It turned out to be kinda cold, it was warmer in the morning when we set up.  But we just passed out jackets and sweatshirts and let the kids play on the swings and slide.  We had play dough and goldfish and juice and cake and ice cream.  I think that is all that is required for a 3 year old party.  I figured she really just wanted to play with her friends.  I think she did a great job of that.  It seemed to me she played with each of her friends and no one went home crying.  That is a successful toddler party in my book.  As a party favor they got to plant a flower in a pot and take it home.  Here are a few pics of her party.

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