Friday, September 7, 2012

Vivian blessing

The last weekend in August we blessed Vivian at our church on Sunday.  The whole weekend was spent getting ready.  Lots of food was prepared (how it takes that much time to prepare for sandwiches that people are going to assemble themselves is beyond me), the house was cleaned, and Vivian's dress was laundered.  Shaun did a great job on the blessing and Vivian was adorable in her dress.  He held her up after the blessing for the congregation to see and she happily looked around at everyone.  After church we all came back to our house for lunch.  It was so nice to get together with extended family on such a nice day.  Thanks to all of those that could make it.  Vivian and Cecilia both loved the attention. Vivian crashed (see below) and Cecilia was sad when everyone left.  Unfortunately we were so busy visiting we didn't get many great pictures.  These are the best ones :)

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