Friday, December 21, 2012

Christmas Holiday

I have written this post three or four times on my phone using the blogger app and all of them have been deleted.  If anyone has any recommendations of a different app that works on an iphone I'm all ears.  I'm sure the fourth time I write this post won't be nearly as creative as the three before it as I'm sick of writing it.

Cecilia has really been enjoying this Christmas season.  I feel like it is the first year she is old enough to get into it.  We pulled out the ornament advent calendar and she got a sticker one from preschool and we have a paper chain.  She remembers every morning to do them and it has become part of our morning ritual.  She also loves a book of Christmas stories my mom gave me several years ago.  She takes it everywhere she goes in the house.  Cecilia has also been talking about Santa coming.  We saw him in the mall a few weeks ago.  I was so proud of her because she walked up to him and sat on his lap with out any reservations.  When he asked her what she wants for Christmas you will never guess what she said.  Toys you might say?  Nope.  A doll?  Nada.  A little sister?  Has one of those.  No, she asked for "A Greenish-Blue Sweater." Yes you read that right.  A Greenish-Blue Sweater.  Where she came up with that, I have no idea.  She is so funny sometimes.  I can't imagine the things Santa must hear from kids.  Luckily Santa found a "greenish-blue" sweater to put under the tree.  Merry Christmas everybody!

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