Monday, June 24, 2013


Well Vivian is certainly in a growing spurt. Since her birthday she has learned how to eat with a fork, drink from a straw sippy, slide down the stairs (which I'm really happy about) and stand by herself
for a significant amount of time. She has yet to learn what she is supposed to do once she is standing, namely take a step and walk. But I'm happy with that because I still love to see her crawl, which she
does really fast now. Vivian really has a mind of her own and I feel is already getting frustrated with not being able to communicate it. So we have tried to do more signing with her lately. Maybe that can
stop the incessant whine she has also started. We are beginning to see how different Vivian and Cecilia are. Vivian is much more adventuresome and Cecilia is much more careful. The first time I let go of Vivian to let her stand by herself, she giggled. Cecilia would have cried and grabbed for me. It's funny how different people can be even at 1 year old. Cecilia helps me a lot with Vivian. She frequently
stands behind her on the stairs as that is now Vivian's favorite place to play. It drives me crazy sometimes, I don't know what it is about the railing on that second or third stair that she finds so
fascinating. But to her credit she has only fallen three times, two of which Cecilia has been there to catch her. Which, if you knew how much of the day she spends on them, is pretty good.

Cecilia started a summer program at a preschool near our house last week. It only took her two days to decide she liked it. She LOVES to play with other kids. Play dates are never long enough for her.
Especially with our neighbor girl Claire. She would happily spend every waking moment with Claire if she could. She does a great job taking turns with other kids and playing with them and not against
them as can happen so often. Cecilia has also started swimming and dance this summer and loves both of them.

Well that's about it from our end. I'll have to get a video of one of Vivian's accomplishments, til then you'll have to make do with this adorable picture of her after playing outside.

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