Monday, November 30, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

I bought Cecilia this turkey costume before I found the cute bear costume for Halloween. I meant to take it back, but of course forgot so now we have a choice of costumes for the next baby :) Shaun and I volunteered to bring the turkey for Thanksgiving to my families "party" at the church (about 50 people come, it is a party). Of course we were late (surprise, surprise) so I got to walk in with the "turkey" and say here it is! Cecilia was a good sport and smiled at everybody. It was fun. Then Shaun walked in with the real one. I took a couple of pictures in her turkey costume with pumpkins my parents grew on their farm for those of you who missed the real thing. Happy Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

  1. Ohhhh.. So Cute! I wish I was there to see that!
