Sunday, November 1, 2009

Then and Now

So I know it has been a while since we posted, but I'll do another blog about why later. First, I've been meaning to do this one for a couple of weeks and want to get it done. The idea came from looking at some friends blogs who did the same. The baby turned 6 months in October. You don't realize how much they grow until you compare photos of them in the same thing. I was also really excited about a few outfits when she was first born and put her in them before they fit. They are now bursting at the seams, so you can really see the difference. Anyway here it goes.

and Now:
Huge difference huh?!
Ok here is another one.


And Now:

Let me just say trying to get a 6 mo old baby to put her head down in your hand is no easy feat. But you get the idea.
OK one more and then my favorite ones.


You can't tell from this picture, but her legs are about straight and her feet are barely poking out.
And now:Notice her legs are bent and the dress comes to about her knees.
OK now to the most applicable comparison.

And: (I know lots of pictures in this series, remember this has always been her favorite place. If you need a refresher go back to the swing war posts)
This one is my favorite of the series because I forgot she used to raise her hand in the air when she slept, until we figured out how to swaddle her better and she didn't get her arm out. Isn't it so cute?

On to the Nows:


I have to add that I had to wait for a day when she took a very long nap so I didn't feel guilty waking her up taking her picture. This day she was so out of it I got two before it woke her up. See what I mean about getting her out of this thing? Look at how far her feet poke out. To think, when we first started using it I stuffed a blanket around her head. Boy does time fly...

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