Wednesday, February 24, 2010


As we near the end of this era, hopefully forever, I've been thinking about time. It is interesting to me how the same amount of time can pass quickly for one person and slowly for another. As you can guess the last 3 months have gone by slowly for me, but for many people I tell Cecilia gets her cast off on Monday they say "Wow, has it been 3 months already? That has gone by fast." And I say "for you." But when you are looking forward to an event in the distance it seems like you will never get there. Here we are, just 4 days away (I count the days as finished when I get Cecilia down to bed) and it has felt like 6 months, or more. Shaun and I were discussing how hard it is to remember her without the cast. How did we pick her up, and how will we when it comes off? Changing her diaper is certainly different, I vaguely remember a day when I had to dodge the legs to get it on her, but it feels like an eternity ago. I have to go back and watch the video's of her kicking her legs and standing on the couch and try to envision it. It is hard.
I'm getting side tracked. Time. Sometimes it takes looking forward to an event for a long time to really look at each day and take stock of what happened. It isn't until you do that, that the days are counted. And once the days are counted, they slow down. I don't think I would remember the last three months as well if I were just living my life from day to day. I don't know if this makes sense to you, but in my mind it does, and it has enlightened my brain to think about it. So take stock of your days, and you will remember them better. Even the ordinary chase your kids around and change their diapers kind of days. For they will pass quickly, and you never know when a sudden change will come and change those ordinary days completely.

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