Monday, October 5, 2009

Puerto Penasco- The Beach

The three of us took some friends down to Shaun's parents beach house in Puerto Penasco this weekend. We had a great time. Everyone said it was very relaxing and fun. I'll let Shaun post about the details of the weekend but I was really excited to post about Cecilia's first experience with the ocean.
The first day we took her out there and the waves were a little noisy well we all know how she hates noise. So it wasn't too surprising to me that she didn't like it. Here is a video of her being wimpy with her cute sunglasses on.

I tried to carry her farther into the water past the noise but she kept fussing. It was the first time (of many I'm sure) that I saw her afraid. You could totally tell she was afraid of it. She had a death grip on me and kept turning her face away from it and burying it in me. It was kinda funny.

But the next day the ocean was really calm and she liked it better. I was able to get all the way in with her and let her play in it a little. She kept doing her fish face and it reminded me of when we called her a fish when I was pregnant. Well the fish swam in the ocean this weekend! Here is another video and pictures.

The next day I took her out and let her play in the sand. I don't have a video of it but do have a bunch of pictures. She liked to run her fingers through the sand. I don't think you can see but she has a little on her face too. Maybe next time I'll let her play longer and let her eat some of the sand :)

It was so much fun to take her to the ocean and let her experience another new thing. The first of many trips I'm sure :)

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