Thursday, July 15, 2010

Flaming Gorge

This week we went to Flaming Gorge with a lot of my family. It was so fun to see everyone. I haven't seen my nephews that live in Washington for a long time. We all got together in Manila to go boating. Growing up 15 minutes from the lake made us boating people. It was fun for me to watch the next generation learn to water ski and knee-board and catch some air on the tube. The lake is as chilly as ever but you just suck it up and jump in. Shaun loved driving my dads boat and told me more than once that he wants one. I love it too so someday... Cecilia had the best time playing with her cousins, especially Chandra. She just loved her! You should have seen her lounging on her and following her around. I'm sure Chandra was happy when we left the way she mauled her!

We also took Cecilia on her first boat ride. She was a little timid at first, but then she warmed up and I was holding on to her life jacket for dear life as she leans out the front of the boat going 20 mph.

We stopped off in Green River (where I grew up) on the way so I could reminisce. It was so fun to drive around as a grown up and remember old times and look at the town from a different perspective. I don't know when we will go back so I'm really glad we took the time. I also wanted to stop by my old High School. I was in the last graduating class from it. They built a new high school and turned it into a middle school. It was interesting to see the changes and think back to that time of my life. Here I am by my old locker.

I remember standing in the main hall by the office on graduation day thinking I would never go to that school again. I showed Shaun the classroom where I decided to be a scientist. Here Cecilia are knocking on the door because it was locked.

It was this same classroom where I took anatomy and decided I didn't have the stomach to be a doctor :) But we did a course on genetics and I was sold. It is interesting how trivial High School is, yet at the same time you can make decisions that will shape your whole life. I know more than one girl who got pregnant and changed their life forever. My decision to go into genetics changed my life, I know I'm no great scientist that will invent the cure for cancer and change the world, but that decision has effected me and the way I think for the rest of my life. It will effect my children in ways unknown, and who knows who else. So I had a great time driving around town and looking at the growth along with the things that haven't changed since I was a kid. Just like me.

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