Monday, July 5, 2010

Sugarhouse Park festivities

Since we're celebrating Independence Day on July 3rd, 4th and 5th this year, we decided to take advantage of the cooler weather and get outside as much as possible over the weekend. The fireworks were back on in Sugarhouse Park after almost not happening this year due to budget cuts. Fortunately for the community, many hours of fund raising made it happen. We went to the park in the afternoon to enjoy the people and the preparations. Unfortunately, we weren't actually able to see the fireworks because we had to put the little one down early. But we could see some of them through the trees from our front porch. We took a few videos that we wanted to post but Shaun lost his iPhone today so all we have is this picture. Cute as ever. Oh, and Happy Independence Day, whichever day you decided to celebrate it. 

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