Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Cherry Hills

My moms extended family had a reunion at Cherry Hills last Saturday. My sister came from Manila (Utah) so Shaun and I decided to go up too. We have never taken Cecilia to a water park but she loves to swim so I thought it would be a lot of fun. I bought a life jacket for her and we packed a lunch and went up after her nap. It was so much fun. It was super crowded! We went in the lazy river and she had a great time and then I found this little slide just perfect for her. It goes into this little kiddy pool that is only about a foot deep and she loved it. The first couple of times down the slide I went with her. Then I saw a little boy about her size go down by himself and I thought she could do it. Especially since she had her life jacket on that kept her up right so she wouldn't fall over. I took her to the top and Shaun stayed down to catch her and she loved it! We did it several times because she enjoyed it so much and it was something she could do on her own. Shaun caught this video of one of the trips.

Of course it was fun to see family too and Cecilia enjoyed her cousins as always. Next time we'll have to go on a weekday though!

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