Monday, January 17, 2011

Guilty as charged

Yeah it has been over two months since I last posted. Guilty as charged. I do have several excuses, the primary being, until Christmas I didn't have a camera that I could actually get the pictures off of. I previously mentioned that my camera was stolen in Mexico so all we had was an old camera that we don't have a cord to plug it into the computer and it took us that long to get an USB Reader. I know it is cheap and easy to get one. But... but... well we are lazy. Then I got a cold that lasted for literally 6-7 weeks and Cecilia got a bad cold and in the middle of all that Shaun sprained his ankle so bad it would have taken less time to heal if he had broken it. I know excuses, excuses. And you are right. So I won't bother telling you the rest of the list of excuses I prepared because they sound, well flat. Instead I will get on with the updates and vow to be better in the future.

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