Monday, January 17, 2011


Some may recall that I signed Cecilia and I up for swimming as a reward after she got the cast off. She of course loved it (as she would if she had any Hadley blood in her at all). Well we stopped over the summer because it is so busy and easy to find things to do. As fall came and we couldn't play outside as much I decided to start it up again. It is usually during the week in the morning so I've never had anyone to take pictures or video of it. But we missed a class recently and had a makeup day on a Saturday. This meant Shaun could come and document it for us. Cecilia truly loves it and after every activity she says "mooRREEH" (which is her way of saying more). Here are two of the best videos from the day. Be ware, not all of the kids love it as much as she does and you will hear them screaming in the background.

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