Sunday, July 8, 2012

Introducing Vivian Hazel Ritchie

Let me just start by saying I have worked on this post three times and all or part of my changes were not saved. That is some of the reason why it has taken so long to write.

We want to introduce you to the newest member of our family, Vivian Hazel Ritchie. She was born on June 2nd at 2:42 pm. She weighed 8 pounds 15 ounces (yeah, almost 9lbs, big girl). Everyone is doing well and we are so happy to have her in our family. I was initially worried she was going to be our stubborn child because she wouldn't come on her own. I had a doctors appointment on Wednesday and the doctor was surprised she hadn't come yet. He told me to come back Friday if I hadn't had her yet. Well Friday came and no baby, even after lots of walks. The doctor was surprised to see me. He told me he slept in his scrubs expecting me to call and knowing he wouldn't have much time to get to the hospital. In fact throughout this whole experience he kept making comments about how fast the labor would be and I didn't really take him seriously.  Anyway we (I) decided to to wait one more day to see if she would come on her own and if not we would have my water broken. I woke up Saturday thinking what a stubborn kid she was. She just wouldn't come on her own!  So we went in hoping breaking my water would give her a nudge and kick start labor. Boy did it ever!  Vivian was born an hour after labor started. It was fast and intense.  It felt like one long contraction.  It was good I wanted to have a natural labor because there wasn't time to get an epidural.  About the time I would have wanted one the nurse was getting the room ready and calling the doctor to hurry and come deliver the baby.  A few minutes later she was born.  It was then that I changed my mind, this child isn't stubborn, she just knew I didn't want to have her in the car on the way to the hospital so she waited until I was already there before she got the show going.  Here are a few pictures.

Mom, dad, and Vivian leaving the hospital

First bath

Big sister combing Vivian's hair

Big sister loves to hold and talk to Vivian


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