Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Round two with DDH

Last week we had Vivian's hips checked for DDH.  The same condition Cecilia had.  The pediatrician recommended we get our future babies screened just in case.  Well unfortunately Vivian also has it.  The real benefit of catching it early though is she won't have to do the cast.  As I mentioned before, if found early enough they can do a harness instead of the cast.  Additionally it may only be for a month and then just during sleep for another month after that.  I was surprised to hear the doctor say that, but they grow so much at this age, and there isn't a bunch of stuff between the ball and socket that a month may be enough.  Given our experience with Cecilia being in a cast for three months we are really counting our blessings with this one.  We can take it off for baths and diaper changes and give her an hour of play time a day.  We can take it off and wash it, and we can still see and hold our squishy baby, granted she isn't quite as squishy with it on.  All things we couldn't do with Cecilia.  But if this is the bad gene I pass on to my children, I'll take it, as it is completely fixable.

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