Monday, November 12, 2012

Park City

Shaun and I took the girls up to Park City this weekend for a get away. We had tickets to see Paula Poundstone up there Saturday night. She is a comedian that is my favorite panelist on wait wait don't tell me. It was definitely the highlight of our weekend. We needed a good laugh after the weekend we were having. It is usually very relaxing and fun for us to stay up in PC. But it turned out to be exhausting. It all started with Vivian not napping Friday so me rushing to get packed so I could give her a nap in the car on the way. Unfortunately she fell asleep about 3 minutes before we got there after screaming so hard I thought her head was going to explode. She has never screamed so hard in her life! My nerves were on edge for the whole weekend. Cecilia on the other hand was such a good kid the whole time and even fed herself pasta in a restaurant! (She hates eating in front of people.) She and Shaun had a lot of fun while I futilely tried to get Vivian to nap :). It snowed most of 3 days so there was lots of snow to make angels in. And they went swimming outside! The pool was heated of course and Shaun said it was really nice. It's not everyday you get to swim in the snow. Although it wasn't as much fun to come home and shovel a good two feet off our giant driveway.

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