Thursday, August 13, 2009

Cecilia Update

Shaun went to a conference in New York last weekend so Cecilia and I visited my parents. While there I was sitting on their comfy couch and sat Ceci next to me. They have a perfect spot in the curve of the couch where I could put some toys next to her and prop her up. I soon realized that she was sitting there all by herself and I didn't have to hold her up. It was one of those moments where you realize your child is doing something new. I sent Shaun a picture and he was sad he missed it (but not too much because he was at a Yankee's game). I decided to sit her up on the couch here today and take a picture for all of you. Just a little bit longer and she will be able to sit up without props.

I also took this picture of her today. Isn't she just the cutest thing ever? She recently discovered her bottom lip, or should I say lost it.
One last thing and I'll let you go :) We took her to the doctor today. I hate the shots (probably as much as she does, but it is hard to tell). But like finding out how much she has grown. She weighs 15 pounds 2 oz which is about 75%. Carting her around I can feel it! And she is 25 and 3/4 inches long which is 95%. I think the nurse stretched her a bit, but either way she is getting very tall. I wonder if it is an indicaiton of how tall she will be whe she grows up. Does anyone know?

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