Friday, August 21, 2009

New York City!

Shaun had another conference in NYC last weekend so Ceci and I decided to tag along. After a long day getting there (I vowed no more cross country flights that mess up both naps and bedtime) we were finally there. We had a good time and Cecilia was a trooper. I don't really heart NY to tell you the truth, I'm more of a San Fransisco kind of a gal. Especially after dragging a stroller up two flights of stairs in the subway and begging a stranger to help me carry it up another two. Let's just say Shaun got an earful after that experience. It was really hot in the city too. We picked the perfect weekend to visit, the hottest it has been all summer, click here for an article about it. So Monday we decided to take a walk in Central Park. Again Ceci was a trooper, as you can tell, even though she had a very short nap. It is also really humid there and if we had a question about her hair turning curly we don't now. As a lady in the elevator said she was "having a bad hair day" like everyday we were there :)
I wasn't really able to capture it on film unfortunately. We'll all just have to wait until she is older.

One of the most exciting moments of the trip happened Tuesday night, the night before we came home. We were just going to bed when we heard a lot of thunder. We were staying on the 28th floor of the Marriott in Times Square, a pretty crazy place. So at first I thought it was something going on down there. But after about 10 minutes of it we really started to wonder what it was. It kinda sounded like thunder, but thunder usually reverberates a couple of times and then dies out, but this went on much longer. Shaun got up and looked out the window and goes Whoa! He had my attention then so I get up and look out the window. It was a huge storm! Rain coming down in sheets whipping through the buildings. This country girl has never seen something like that before. Being so high we had a really good view of it all, the rain, wind, lightning, and thunder. So interesting seeing a huge storm in the middle of a big city. I think the thunder kept going longer than we are used to because it was echoing through the buildings. The wind was blowing really hard and the afraid of heights scaredy cat in me started to get nervous when I saw a tower out our window swaying in the wind. I decided to go back to bed, plan my escape route in case of an emergency (baby and diaper bag are all I need) and say my prayers. I guess it was one of the worst storms in 30 years, read about it here. All in all a good trip, but not one I'm eager to take again soon. Maybe after our stroller days are over as I'm not likely to forget those subway stairs for a long time.

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