Saturday, August 22, 2009


May of 2008 Shaun and I went to Peru with his family. We had a great time. Machu Picchu was incredible. Highly recommend it, the many hours of travel on planes, trains, and automobiles (buses really but that doesn't fit) are totally worth the effort.

Plus many other amazing ruins. Look at the size of these rocks the ancient people moved and shaped.

We got to feed and pet Llama's and Alpaca's.

And there was this adorable girl there singing to them.

We also saw these adorable children getting their picture taken. (It is one of my favorite pictures from the trip so I had to stick it in.)

But I digress. On our way we hit this market.

Shaun and I are suckers for local markets. Every time we travel we try to find one and it is usually a highlight of the trip. This trip we found two, one more for the tourists (this one) and one more for the locals with a million different types of corn. At this market they had a stall with little children's clothing. The cutest little outfits for boys and adorable dresses for girls. I walked by this stall more than once secretivly looking at the goodies. There was one dress that caught my eye and I couldn't leave it. Shaun and I had been trying to get pregnant for a couple of months by then, but we weren't telling anyone. I couldn't help but thinking how much fun it would be to put a Peruvian dress on our child someday and reminisce about our trip. But I was afraid of the message it would send to Shaun's family when they saw it. So I tried to sneak away from them to buy it. The package on the other hand was difficult to hide. They saw it and Chris (Shaun's mom) asked me what I purchased. I lied (sorry Chris) and told her it was for a niece. I made myslef feel better about it by convincing myself that if we never had a girl I would give it to a niece (although it was too small for any I had).
Well today is the day to dress up my little girl and reminisce about that trip. Boy am I glad I wasn't pregnant for it, would have totally ruined it. Instead I got great memories of a beautiful place and people and got to see one of the seven wonders of the world. And now I have my own wonder of the world.

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