Monday, November 30, 2009

She finally rolled over!

I have been working with Cecilia to roll over for months now. Everyone says not to compare your child to others, but sometimes it is hard. There are several babies in our ward that were born around the same time as she. They have all been rolling over for months now and one is doing an army crawl. I know that she enjoys doing different things than they do, like she sat up pretty early and she stands really well (she loves to stand). But she isn't really mobile (which is nice for a couple of reasons). Anyway recently she has been getting really close. I just have to touch her head to give her the idea and she does the rest. But Shaun says that doesn't count. So we worked and worked. She did the physical work and I did the emotional (listening to her fuss and scream about it). Last Wednesday she finally did it! We worked together on it for a while and then she did it all by herself! I called Shaun so excited! That night when he came home I tried to show him but she wouldn't do it without just that finger of reminder. He says "doesn't count." I say "she totally did it earlier!" He looks at me like MmmHum. Then Friday I had her on our bed working on it again and she totally rolled over all by herself. This time Shaun came home just in time. He even grabbed the video recorder to capture it for all of you. YEAH FOR CECILIA!!!

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