Tuesday, December 1, 2009


We have mentioned several times how Cecilia loves to stand. Every once in a while I'll try to get her to walk. The first several times I had to physically bend her legs for her. She wasn't ready yet. So I kinda forgot about it. The other day I tried it again and she did better. I tried swinging her body back and forth to get her to take the steps. But Shaun learned the trick and now she loves to walk. Just a little bit of pressure under her armpit and it is like a string tied to her leg, she will raise it and put it forward. I caught a video of it. Amazingly enough this was the same day she rolled over. She went through a mental growth spurt or something.

She has gotten so much better in the three days since this was made. Yesterday she had a ball and every time it rolled away from her we would stand up and walk over to it and I would sit her down so she could play with it. She loved it so much that ever time I helped her stand up she would do this super cute jig, dancing with her legs like YEAH I love this! then she would start walking toward the ball. Anyway, enjoy the video!

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