Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Teeth and eating

Yesterday I was feeling around in Cecilia's mouth because she was sucking it in a funny way and I felt a tooth poking out!!! It is her first and it is sharp! The journey begins...

We also had a break through on the eating front. She took food from my hand and put it in her mouth and ate it for the first time! I found these yogurt melts at the grocery store and have given her one from time to time. She really likes them. I can understand why, sugar is the second ingredient. Anyway the first time I gave one to her I put the whole thing in her mouth and she sucked on it for a few seconds and then I heared GULP. She swallowed the whole thing. They are designed to melt so I wasn't worried about her choking, but the idea is to chew them. Next time Shaun cut it in half and gave her small pieces. After a few tries at that I went back to whole ones. She had figured out that she was to chew and suck on them at this point so it went well. So yesterday I got out the package and she got excited and put out her hands like "give me some!" so I put it close to her hand and she followed mine into her mouth. After she chewed and sucked it, I gave her another one. This time I put it in her hand and she put it in her mouth and ate it! I was so proud. I just keep thinking about babies develop by "baby steps" and things come along slowly but every step is exciting. Like being able to feed yourself. We just now have to be careful in what she thinks is food :)

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