Monday, January 4, 2010

Happy New Year!

Boy what a difference a year makes! This year our lives have changed more than any other year. Being a stay at home mom is not what I expected and I've adapted to it better than I anticipated. Cecilia is such a joy and blessed our lives so much. Shaun's work has also really picked up this year which we are also very grateful for. Can't wait to see what 2010 will bring us. It is hard to imagine how Cecilia will change this year, but also exciting. I can't wait for her to crawl (if she doesn't skip it), walk, get into everything in our house, maybe say a few words (I can't remember when they do this) and learn so much. She has already changed so much!

One thing that has recently come, which I know Grandma Hadley was particularly looking forward to is curly hair. We all knew it would happen eventually. Just look at Shaun and I, she was doomed. But I have to say they are so cute!!! I sat holding her yesterday and played with them. I took some pictures of her the other day so you can all goggle at them too.

1 comment:

  1. How adorable! I must say I'm a little jealous. I've always wanted a little girl with dark, curly hair. I haven't gotten the girl or the dark or the curly yet. Hmmm...wanna switch? Just kidding. I'm glad you guys are doing well. Cecilia is beautiful!
