Monday, February 15, 2010

Major Accomplishment

First let me say, TWO WEEKS FROM TODAY!!! Can you tell I'm excited? I started a list of all of the things I have to do before then and I think it is enough to keep me busy. Which will be good because hopefully I won't be so antsy.

Now on to Cecilia's major accomplishment of last week. She DRANK FROM A SIPPY CUP!!! Ok so maybe I'm a little over excited today, but really it was a huge deal. We've been working on it for a long time. Since she got in the cast really, which we all know was 10 weeks ago. She would drink from a sports bottle that drips liquid into her mouth, she would open her mouth for it. But until last week she would never suck anything. But they say the key to getting them to take a sippy cup is to keep trying different kinds of cups, with different liquid, at different temperatures, until you find what they like. Well I finally found the perfect cup. It was made for her and her peculiarities. I won't bore you with the details. But she picked it up, tentatively tasted what was inside, and sucked down about an ounce.

She is such an apple girl. The first time I got her to actually open her mouth for food was for applesauce. And the way I get her to let me trim her nails is to give her an apple slice to suck on (although now that she has teeth and knows how to use them I can't do it anymore). So of course the way I would get her to take a sippy cup would be with diluted apple juice. I tried it before, but I guess I didn't have the right sippy. But now... Well see for yourself and if you watch to the end you will see her famous clap (that I proudly taught her to do).

Oh and another major accomplishment of last week, she started sleeping through the night on a regular basis. Maybe that is why I'm so excited today, because I'm better rested. Nah, I'm still not sleeping through the night even though she is. I guess I'm too trained and wake up waiting for her to get up, or wake up to go to the bathroom. Shaun keeps thinking he slept through me getting up and wakes up in a panic. Who sleep trained whom? :)

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