Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Less than 4 Weeks!

I meant to post on Monday, which was the day that we had 4 weeks left. But it didn't happen. Oh well, less than 4 weeks is even better. I hope they go by quickly!
So some milestones that have happened since I last wrote are:

Cecilia has decided she doesn't want to be swaddled anymore. This experience has been a lot easier than I thought it would be. I think the real lesson here for me was, she will let us know when she is ready for something. We have tried a couple of times to break her from the swaddle because she was getting so old for it and thought maybe that was the cause of her not sleeping in the past (instead of looking at the elephant in the room with is the CAST!). But our previous attempts didn't go well and Shaun ended up rocking her to sleep every time. The difference came last Wednesday night when she kept breaking out of the wrap and crying because she didn't know what to do after she got out. After we reswaddled her, changed her diaper, and fed her we realized it was the wrap that was the problem and time to let her cry it out. It is really difficult to let your child cry at 3 am. You want to sleep and every minute seems much longer than that when you are laying in your bed watching them go by. But we knew it was time and she made the decision to break out of the swaddle. It only took her a half hour of hard crying to start to calm herself down and after an hour she was back asleep. I knew once we started the journey we had to finish it. So it was cold turkey from there. Next night she was awake when I put her down, which isn't normally a problem, but I was nervous about her putting herself to sleep with her arm flailing. But she talked for a little while and then fell asleep WITHOUT CRYING! Shaun and I were both shocked and I worried that she was just gearing up for the fight. But no, every night since then she has either put herself to sleep, or stayed asleep when I put her down with no fuss. I have been so incredibly proud of her and really think it was because she was ready for it and it was her decision. I need to remember this next time I'm trying to make a change and it isn't going well (especially when we potty train her). Naps took a lot longer to get back on track, but we are used to that with this cast on. In fact today was the first day she put herself to sleep for a nap. I knew naps would be harder, but decided it was best to do it all at the same time. Hopefully she will be back to normal again, for the next four weeks and then everything is in the air again :)

The other update is Cecilia is totally a pro at feeding herself now. Any food I put on her table that is finger food, she picks it up and gets it in her mouth first try. I have to be careful with how much bread I give her because she just shoves them all in her mouth at the same time. It has been so much fun to watch her figure things out so quickly. I'll have to take a video to show you.
That is about it, just hoping 26 days go by fast!

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