I noticed I have a ton of closeup pictures of her in her spica chair, but not many where you can see the whole chair. So we put her on the wood floor and let her rock out while eating dinner.
The chair was the first saving grace in this whole thing, the second has been walks in the stroller. Cecilia loves birds, the duck pond is her favorite thing at the zoo. A few weeks ago I took her to Sugarhouse park because they also have a pond of ducks, geese, seagulls and other birds. The first time I took her, she jumped up and down in her cast and squealed the whole time. So yesterday we had to get a video, not as good as the first time we went there, but you get the idea.
Now to two home pictures. She loves to look out the window and only recently would she stand on the couch. Here I got a great full body shot. I can't wait to put her up there when she can really stand and see how tall she is!
Lastly, how she sleeps. We tried putting her in the crib and prop up her legs with pillows. But the urine would just run up the back and get the cast wet. Plus she loved this beanbag. She just snuggles right into it. So we bailed on the crib and put her in this to sleep. As I was putting her into it tonight I realized that after tomorrow's nap, she will never sleep in it again. It was a little scary because she loves it and I'm nervous she won't nap in her crib.
That is about it for our lives for the last three months. Tomorrow we start a new era. I'm more nervous about it than I thought I would be to tell you the truth. Cecilia hates change and this one is going to be a big one for her. We have to relearn how to do a few things (like pick her up), and I don't know how long it will take for life to get back to normal. Don't get me wrong, I'm still really excited, but just nervous too.
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