Monday, March 15, 2010

Dancin' Dancin' Dancin'!

Occasionally I watch this show on TLC called 19 kids and counting. It is about a family who have, as you can guess 19 kids. They take the scripture "multiply and replenish the earth" a little too literally in my opinion. They dress like FLDS polygamists even though they are southern baptists. They have good family values and believe in praying with your children and living within your means, among other things. I find it interesting how they handle that many children, something I could never do. Having a baby every 1.5 years is also something I could never do. Well it is unthinkable throwing up that much, but even if I didn't get major morning sickness there is just no way. Anyway I'm getting off topic. I watched a FAQs show where viewers chimed in and asked why they do/believe certain things. The one thing that stuck with me was they don't believe in dancing. I can't remember their exact reasoning, but I remember it primarily came from the dad, Jim Bob (yeah you get the Southern baptist thing now huh?). It was something about how you are supposed to control your appetites and passion and dancing makes you let go of that. Well they have some great values, but they got this one totally wrong. There are so many different types of dancing, and each of them can be appropriate at different times. I have thought about this so much recently while watching my adorable 11 month old daughter dancing to the music from her toys. I wish Jim Bob could come to my house and watch her bob her head and sway her body to "Pop Goes the Weasel" and tell me it is evil. She knows no evil. But she knows joy and this is a beautiful way to express it. Watch for yourself.

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