Friday, March 12, 2010

Miracle on Fisher Lane

Cecilia has been out of her cast for just over a week and a half. Our first miracle happened yesterday. For the first time in two months, Cecilia took TWO naps!!! My excitment was such that when I went in to get her up from the afternoon nap I overwhelmed her and she started to fuss. "Too much jumping and loudness after I just woke up mom." Another really exciting aspect of it, and miracle on it's own was, she put herself to sleep for the afternoon nap! BC (before cast) that was also not a problem. If she wasn't asleep after we finished nursing, I would put her down and less than 20 minutes later she would be asleep. But again those last 6 weeks in the cast, if she wasn't asleep when I put her down, and stayed asleep, then no nap. Sometimes even then she would wake up 10 minutes later and that was it. I was hoping and hoping that once she was out of the cast it would go back to the way it was. We had to make a few adjustments to make them happen (timing of the second nap and not too long of a morning nap). Plus this is only the second day it has worked. But that is two days more than we had in the cast. So I have hope. It is so ironic to me that she was awake so much in the cast and asleep more out of it. Life is way more exciting now. Before she got the cast I thought, well she sleeps so much that we will just sleep away the time she has to be in this thing. Boy was I wrong! She missed more sleep in it than her entire life combined up to that point, like 10 times over. I just hope and pray we can make up some now that she can wear herself out more. Keep your fingers crossed for us.

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