How lucky are we to have this happy, healthy, beautiful child in our lives! Right from the beginning she was just the sweetest baby ever. She only fussed when she was hungry and never went through a colicky phase (until she got the cast on, but that doesn't count). In fact, most of the time she didn't cry when she was hungry either, she did this adorable hungry dance that will forever endure her to me. Even when she got the cast on, and was so over tired and frustrated. She still smiled and played. As you know naps have been a struggle since the cast, but even when she chooses not to take a nap, she just lays in her crib and talks, and sings. She never cries in there.
Cecilia has the most personality of any baby I know (although I'm totally biased). She is constantly smiling and interacting with others, even if it is just me whom she sees all day long. She loves people, especially kids. She would be happy if she were around others every waking moment. In fact the only time she cries or fusses is when she is left alone. We went to the grocery store a while ago and she was smiling at this couple and they said how cute she was (which is the number one comment I get from people, even when she was in the cast). I told them that she loves to flirt with people and the guy looks at me and says, "Your husband had better get a shotgun!" With this great sing song way of saying shotgun. It was really funny. And so true, Shaun had better watch out when she turns 16!
People aren't the only thing she loves. Nature also make her so happy. Walks were one of two saving graces when she was in the cast. I was in better shape during the winter than I am now. She used to get so excited when I would put her in the stroller because she knew what was coming. This is one kid who never fights to put her coat on because she knows it means we are leaving and that means adventure.
I can't wait to see what the coming year will bring. Hopefully no more cast! She should crawl, and walk this year. Probably talk some, I can't wait to hear what she has to say! I'll be interested to see if she continues to love people or if she becomes more shy. I can't wait to see how she grows in the coming year. It can't be as much as she has this past year, but significant none the less. I compiled pictures of Cecilia from her first year below. I tried to get them as close to a month apart as I could. My how she has grown!
Happy Birthday little one!