Her party was a blast. We had it at Fairmont Pool. I wanted to do something she couldn't do in the cast and she loves swimming so it was perfect. There was lots of food, party favors, pool toys, and many friends and family members to share them with. Grandpa and Grandma Ritchie even flew in from AZ for it.
I made her cake, which I won't do again. She really didn't eat much but I had such a hard time giving her cake which is lots of sugar. So I made a carrot cake, the healthiest cake I could find. And I made the frosting with part powdered sugar and part powdered milk. The recipe made it sound like it would taste the same. It doesn't, don't try it. I won't ever make it again, it really tastes like powdered milk which if you remember back to the last time your mom tried to use up the food storage, it's gross. Although Cecilia didn't know the difference since this was her first cake. Next baby will get a store bought cake with regular fluffy cake and sugary frosting. All the mom's told me they really don't eat much, but I remembered a picture of myself with my first cake and it was everywhere so had a hard time believing not much goes in the mouth. But I was probably like Cecilia who just liked to play in it rather than eat it. I really wanted a picture of her like I have of me. It is one of my favorite pictures of myself. It took her a while to get into it, all the distracting kids had to go swimming before she would concentrate on the task at hand. But in the end I got some great pictures of a messy 1 year old. Everyone had a great time, especially the Birthday Girl so the party was a success. Here are some pics.
Here is the healthy birthday cake. It's not pretty on it's own, but the cute paper dolls help.
Our dainty little girl had to carefully check it out.
Now she is getting into it.
The sweet thing is trying to share with a friend, although he doesn't want any :)
Squishing it in her fingers. This is where most of the mess came from and when she really started to get into it.
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