Thursday, May 27, 2010

I can't keep up

Cecilia is changing so fast I can't keep the blog updated! Everyday or every other day she makes strides towards walking. Shaun keeps working with her to get her to crawl because we know it is important. He takes her downstairs to the cushy carpet and works with her. But poor thing still doesn't have enough strength to pull her knees together to be able to get up on them and crawl. She can move forward though. She pulls with her arms and drags her body. It makes me so sad to see it, but she can get around. Here is a video of it.

I also got a video of her scooting on her bum. Shaun says she looks like a spider, which is a good description for it. But again, she can get around.

This leads me to a story about a "first". I was in bed this morning and Shaun was playing with her, well he was supposed to be playing with her. All of a sudden the door to the bedroom flew open and this little girl came scooting in all by herself. Daddy didn't even know she was there. It was the first time she has come in our bedroom and woke me up all by herself. I'm sure it will happen so many more times :) The second first that happened today was after my shower. Cecilia started out in the bathroom with me and when I got out I had to go find her somewhere in the house. That was pretty fun. I'll probably hate it someday, but the first is exciting.

Two more "firsts" and I'll quit for the day. The third "first" of the day was Cecilia pushed, all by herself, a toy walking. I got another video of it.

Look at her, you'd think she has been doing this for weeks, not the first time! Shaun couldn't believe his eyes when I showed him the video. I was shocked too. I set her on her feet, she grabbed on, and off she went! She pushed that thing all around the house, several times. Oh and I got her to walk with holding only one of my fingers last weekend too. She doesn't like it, but she will do it. She can also stand by herself for about 10 seconds (also fusses the whole time). Like I said she is just developing faster than I can track! The last week and a half she has just... well I'm at a loss for words... just learned!

Last thing, she finally, after months of work, signed "more". To be honest I'm not very good at remembering to sign it to her all the time. When she wants more of something she points and grunts and I get the point and give it to her. She would have learned it much earlier if I could remember to sign "more" and then give it to her. But we got there eventually. I am much better at signing "all done" and she just puts her arms out for me to pick her up. She knows what I'm saying, just won't say it back. Oh well, she has learned enough for two weeks I'd say.

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