Monday, June 7, 2010

End of an Era

Tomorrow Cecilia will be 14 months old. Whew! Today marks a landmark, we stopped nursing. Done, no more, the end. On one hand it is a little sad, the end of an era. On the other, it is really exciting! I can leave her for a whole day and not have to be close to run home. Woman's weekend this fall? No problem! Plus I don't have to worry about how much I'm eating or drinking. I get more done in the day because I'm not stuck in a chair for 20-40 minutes 4 times a day. That is a lot of time if you think about it!

The whole weaning process took much less time than I thought. I think Cecilia could tell it was time and I was certainly ready for it. I had a goal of August. But it was only about a month from start to finish. Let's just hope she continues to go down easily for naps as that was the last feeding to be dropped and I really worried she wouldn't take one without falling asleep before putting her in the crib. But today she went down just fine. Keep your fingers crossed it continues :)

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