Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Last Friday was my birthday. It was so much fun! Shaun took the whole day off and we went and played. My parents came down to watch Cecilia. I was a little nervous because it was the longest I've left her during the day. But she had a great time with grandpa and grandma Hadley and they spoiled her with lots of strawberries from their garden. They watched her while Shaun and I went horseback riding. It was the perfect day for it. Everything is still green and the weather was the perfect temp with just a few clouds in the sky. We went riding in a beautiful place through meadows with wildflowers and stands of trees while crisscrossing a stream. It felt so good to be out in nature. Plus it is a great thing to do here in Utah. After our ride we came home, changed clothes, kissed Cecilia, and ran off again. Shaun took me to Flemming's for dinner. It was so yummy, but definitely a special occasion place. Then to a movie to end the day. My parents put Cecilia to bed and she went down easily they say. I was really happy to hear that because besides me, only Shaun has put her down before and he has only done it a couple of times. It is a good feeling to know someone else can take care of her and I don't have to be close to run home and feed her or put her to bed. It was a great primer to leaving her overnight sometime soon.

It was the perfect day, besides the bug that crawled down my shirt and bit me. Although the other cars on the freeway may have enjoyed it because they got quite a show when I screamed and stripped right there driving down I-80. Luckily Shaun had a spare shirt in the car so it wasn't a show all the way home :) YEAH for Birthdays!

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