Friday, September 24, 2010

Doctor Appointment

So my last post about Cecilia going poopy on the potty reminded me that I haven't posted about our doctor's appointment. We had a follow up about her hip last week. Everyone always asks me if her hip is healed. Essentially the cast put it in the right place and kept it there hopefully long enough that the muscles and tendons would keep it there while the hip grows over it. Because it wasn't in the right place for those 8 months the growth of the hip socket is behind the right hip. So what they look at at these follow ups is to see that the left hip is still making progress and eventually over time it will catch up with the right hip. They take X-rays each time to see how things are coming. If they don't see progress then they will watch closer for a time and that is when she may have to have another cast. Let's all pray this never happens! This X-ray looked really good. Her socket continues to form over the ball, the ball is developing properly as well. The placement still looks good too. I asked the doctor what chance we would have of her having to have another cast at this point and he thought it pretty small (but of course there is still a chance). So just yearly checkups from this point to make sure it continues to progress and someday it will catch up to the right hip.

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