Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Quick Bragging Session

So I just have to tell you the cutest thing Cecilia did this morning. Well let me "back" up (you'll get it it a minute). A couple of days ago she was looking at a book (she loves books by the way) and there was a page with different baby body parts, eyes, nose, ears etc. Well one new one we haven't taught her was "back." She pointed to it and I said "back" and rubbed her back. She put her hand on her back and said "back." I was a little surprised because she has never said that word. But she has been saying similar words like "book" and "stuck" so it wasn't that surprising. She has really gotten the "K" sound down which seems to me like a hard sound to make. Anyway I haven't practiced "back" with her since then. Well this morning she was looking at a book, "We're going on a bear hunt" to be exact and for those of you parents who are familiar with this book you will remember the last page has a picture of a bear walking away. You can see it's back. Cecilia looks at that page and goes "back!" and I of course praise her for the smart girl she is, which reinforced her and she repeated "back!" "back!" "back!" for about 10 minutes just to reinforce to me that she is so smart. She is only 17 months by the way. You can be duly impressed now.

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