Monday, October 10, 2011


I almost forgot to tell you about our trip to Albuquerque. We went down to see the balloon festival. It was the most fun I've had getting up at 4:30 in the morning. They were trying to set a world record for the most hot air balloons set off in an hour. I don't know if they made it or not but I heard there were about 500 balloons that took off in two hours. It was so much fun and I went crazy taking pictures. Here are a few.

The next day Shaun, his mom, his brother, and his girlfriend (now fiancee) went on a balloon ride. They said it was really cool and got to touch the river with the bottom of the basket. Here are a few of their pictures.

It was another sleepless weekend with the Ritchie's, but again so fun.

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