Monday, October 10, 2011

Catch up

Has it seriously been since August since I last posted? How embarrassing. I guess we were so caught up in enjoying the summer that I really let it slack. I didn't really even finish our Oregon trip. We got to see Shaun's grandma, and two of his aunts (one of which we stayed with, Thanks again Barbara) and a cousin (who we also stayed with, thanks Cherice). It was so much fun and is one of our favorite yearly trips. In fact, the other day I took Cecilia apple picking at a U-pick orchard here and she said "We're not picking blueberries, we're picking apples." It made me sad. I'd much rather go blueberry picking than apple picking. But I'll just have to wait until next year.

Well let me catch you up a bit. At the end of August we did another yearly trip to Island Park with Shaun's parents. It is also fun, although Cecilia got cold the last night we were there and didn't sleep after 4am. I think everybody was glad we were going home so we could all get some sleep (including Shaun's parents who didn't get any sleep either). I don't seem to have any pictures of the trip though...

In September I took Cecilia to the State Fair. We had great Fair food (see picture) and Cecilia loved the Little Hands exhibit where she got to be a farmer for a day and do chores and then get "paid" at the end with a small box of sugar cereal. Something she never gets around here. It was a fun afternoon activity and we'll have to do it again next year.

Also in September Shaun and I went to the Inc 500 conference. This is the second year in a row he has made the list and it was fun to have a vacation sans Cecilia to attend the gala. I am so proud of what Shaun and his partner Dan have accomplished, and they keep going! Here is a picture of Shaun at the Air and Space Museum we attended in our downtime. And one with Dan at the gala.

That catches up on the most of what I should have been posting for the last 6 weeks. I'll do a couple of separate posts about our adventures this week. Happy Fall!

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