Monday, October 10, 2011

Jungle Jims

We were planning on going to Lagoon on Saturday because Shaun's company had tickets. But it was cold and rainy so we decided to put it off until next week and hope it will be nicer. We told Cecilia about it and needed to deliver on some fun rides. I remembered a friend once posting about a place here in SLC with indoor rides so I called her and found Jungle Jim's. It was just the thing we needed. Perfect for an hour or two, but not more because the grownups get sick of riding the spinny rides after that. There is a carousel, swings, tea pots (what put Shaun over the edge, good thing it was the last ride), bumper cars, a train, and the airplane ride featured below. Cecilia loved everything except the bumper cars. I did it once with her and then let her ride by herself, which was a mistake. She wasn't quite old enough to get the steering thing and rammed right in the side full speed. Much wailing but a quick ride on the swings and she was right as wind again. When we left we asked her which ride was her favorite and she said "all of them."

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