Friday, September 11, 2009

Island Park

We went to Island Park in Idaho over Labor Day with Shaun's parents and brother. We had a great time, despite the person sawing logs all night who shall remain anonymous but knows who he is :) Shaun's grandparents have a cabin up there and we enjoy spending some time up there every summer. This year was a new adventure with a baby that needs to sleep a lot. We were nervous because the baby can't sleep if it isn't quiet and the cabin doesn't have doors between the living space and the sleeping space upstairs. But we took a fan and told everybody, no slamming the screen door. They were all so kind to be quiet and the baby slept pretty well.

While there we took several walks between naps. This one was along Big Springs. The baby was more interested in my water bottle than the pretty scenery, but what can you do.
It was still nice to get out and she loves to be carried. Isn't she just so cute in that hat?

Cecilia had a great time with the grandparents. She loved to smile and talk to them. As you can see from this picture.
We had a great time, thanks Ritchie's for inviting us! Sorry again we didn't help clean up. But the baby took a really long nap in the car, which was really nice.

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